How my Christian mother tormented me for converting to my father’s religion, Islam — Lady

Young lady narrates her heartbreaking experience at the hands of her Christian mother who detested her converting to Islam, her father’s religion.

A Twitter user identified as @Blooming_Rai took to the platform to share the religious journey of converting from being a Christian to Muslim.

Silhouette of a depressed lady. Credit: Adobe Stock.

According to the lady, the transition was inspired by her neighbours who were Muslims. However, her choice was not accepted by her mother who brought hell on her.

In a lengthy narration, she stated that her mother starved and emotionally abused her until she moved out of the house.

Read the narration below …

“I was born a Muslim, grew up following my dad to mosque and my mum to church. My mum finally won all of us over and we became Christians, my dad did the little he could but the battle was lost. In 2016 I decided to become a Muslim again through the help of my neighbors.

“I was new in the area at the time and didn’t have any friends around so I started hanging with these girls. I bought my first hijab and started learning the Quran little by little but guess what? Nothing prepared me for what I was about to face at home. I had to break the news To my mum that I won’t be following her to church again.

“Holy Ghost fire wan empty on-top my head that night. I started seeing shege pro max, all my friends were tells me to hold onto my decision but none of them knew the pain of not really being at peace in your own home.
I was miserable, I would have nothing to eat.

“My mum would frustrate the living day light out of me but my friends were there enjoying their own families. Sooner than later they started advising me to get married, they were trying to sell me the idea of matchmaking 🤣
Started advising me to marry just to escape my mums wrath, I thought they loved me 🤣.

“They were bringing all sorts of horrible suggestions just for me to escape, Amir even match made me with a taxi driver 🤣. I saw shege I can’t even talk about, I was matched with men who Were already forcing niqab on me. It was all hell for me between 2016 – 2018.

“I ran to Lagos to live with my grandma I started working and sticking my neck out for potential suitors but didn’t find any whom I felt comfortable with. came back to my mums house and my hell continued I finally decided to rent and apartment and start living on my own because I knew I didn’t want to marry out of desperation.

“I found peace finally but guess what I still needed my mother, my friends didn’t know the half of what I went through they just wanted me to hold Islam. I was holding the Islam but loosing my touch with everything. I became angry and frustrated then one day I decided to lay it all down and just breathe. I know for sure that no one understands your pain like you so it’s normal for them to say sh*t like you’re backsliding.

“No one was there for me in the real sense, I never got comfort in anything, I’ll cry my ass to bed and wake up crying begging for a miracle. I once told a man that if he goes to hajj he should pray for my mother to love me. People see things one sidedly, they won’t know your pain.

“Whatever decision you want to make in life thing it through thoroughly and be sure you’re going to be ready for the hardships that comes with it cos nobody will be there for you. ✌🏾 “

How my Christian mother tormented me for converting to my father's religion, Islam — Lady